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Local index and global index

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Rebuild the global or local index in Oracle Local and global index present in partition table of the oracle. Index is created on basis of partition is local and index created on whole table is global index. You cannot rebuild the local index which having partition as normal. If you tried to do you are… Local indexes can be unique when partition key is part of the composit index. Unique local indexes are useful for OLTP environment. We can can create bitmap indexes on partitioned tables, with the restriction that the bitmap indexes must be local to the partitioned table. If you look at dba_indexes the partitioned column will be YES for local and NO for global. Also an index can be partitioned but not local - to ensure that an index is partitioned and local look at the locality column on the dba_part_indexes view. We often run into cases where we have to find whether indexes are locally partitioned or are global across the whole table. We are all familiar with the dba_indexes view, however, here are a couple of more views that make global vs local index queries possible. To find local indexes use dba_part_indexes. Global indexes and unique, local indexes provide better performance than nonunique local indexes because they minimize the number of index partition probes. Local indexes offer better availability when there are partition or subpartition maintenance operations on the table. Using Partitioned Indexes in Data Warehousing and DSS Applications

Local indexes can be unique when partition key is part of the composit index. Unique local indexes are useful for OLTP environment. We can can create bitmap indexes on partitioned tables, with the restriction that the bitmap indexes must be local to the partitioned table.

CREATE INDEX invoices_idx ON invoices (invoice_date);. You are creating a global index. The docs says that a "global index can be  Local Prefixed Indexes; Local Non-Prefixed Indexes; Global Prefixed Indexes Global - Index in a single partition may correspond to multiple table partitions. Global bitmap indexes on partitioned tables are not supported. The following example creates a local partitioned bitmap index on the sales table: CREATE  So an index that is equipartitioned with the underlying table should be created as LOCAL . A global partitioned index contains a single B-tree with entries for all  4.1 - Local. The index is partitioned in exactly the same way as the base table. For instance, you can create a local index on the TRANS_AMOUNT column 

How Local Secondary Index Queries Work¶. Lets explore the example above, first with Global Secondary Index (GSI) and than with Local Secondary Index (LSI ).

Local indexes can be unique when partition key is part of the composit index. Unique local indexes are useful for OLTP environment. We can can create bitmap indexes on partitioned tables, with the restriction that the bitmap indexes must be local to the partitioned table. If you look at dba_indexes the partitioned column will be YES for local and NO for global. Also an index can be partitioned but not local - to ensure that an index is partitioned and local look at the locality column on the dba_part_indexes view. We often run into cases where we have to find whether indexes are locally partitioned or are global across the whole table. We are all familiar with the dba_indexes view, however, here are a couple of more views that make global vs local index queries possible. To find local indexes use dba_part_indexes. Global indexes and unique, local indexes provide better performance than nonunique local indexes because they minimize the number of index partition probes. Local indexes offer better availability when there are partition or subpartition maintenance operations on the table. Using Partitioned Indexes in Data Warehousing and DSS Applications Global - Index in a single partition may correspond to multiple table partitions. They are created with the GLOBAL keyword and do not support partition independance. Global indexes can only be range partitioned and may be partitioned in such a fashion that they look equipartitioned, but Oracle will not take advantage of this structure. Regional Indexes ; MSCI World Index: The MSCI World Index is a broad global equity index that represents large and mid-cap equity performance across all 23 developed markets countries. It covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization in each country.

Global - Index in a single partition may correspond to multiple table partitions. They are created with the GLOBAL keyword and do not support partition independance. Global indexes can only be range partitioned and may be partitioned in such a fashion that they look equipartitioned, but Oracle will not take advantage of this structure.

1) Is it true that "local indexes" and "global indexes" are relevant only with partitioned tables ? yes 2) What is the difference between them : what is a "local" index and what is a "global" index ? A local index is equi-partitioned with the underlying table, so each index partition has entries for rows in a single table partition. The index is partitioned in exactly the same way as the base table. For instance, you can create a local index on the TRANS_AMOUNT column of the TRANS table as follows: CREATE INDEX in_trans_01 ON trans (trans_amount) LOCAL; This creates a range-partitioned index, on the TRANS_DT column, the same way the TRANS table is partitioned. All the index entries for a specific partition, such as Y05Q1, will exist only inside the corresponding partition of the index. In such cases what should be the points to consider to decide whether to go for a local partitioned index or a global non partitioned (normal) index. 2. If I have to join 2 (range partitioned) transaction tables on columns that are indexed. Global - Index in a single partition may correspond to multiple table partitions. They are created with the GLOBAL keyword and do not support partition independance. Global indexes can only be range partitioned and may be partitioned in such a fashion that they look equipartitioned, but Oracle will not take advantage of this structure. MSCI Developed Markets Indexes are built using MSCI’s Global Investable Market Index (GIMI) methodology, which is designed to take into account variations reflecting conditions across regions, market cap segments, sectors and styles.

Global indexes and unique, local indexes provide better performance than nonunique local indexes because they minimize the number of index partition probes. Local indexes offer better availability when there are partition or subpartition maintenance operations on the table. Using Partitioned Indexes in Data Warehousing and DSS Applications

Create a range partitioned index (example taken straight out of the manuals) Oracle wants to create a GLOBAL index by default but can't as the prod_id